Michael Cohen: 'The View' Hosts Apologized for Meghan McCain - The Daily Beast

He apologized Thursday to @mmccain (as reported, at 10pm), asking users "just let @megynkelly tell a lie

instead of continuing in your relentless, destructive behavior" https://t.co/l3lk3UjJU3 -- Ben Nimmo, Washington Bureau Chief for Breitbart News

(via BuzzFeed / screen grab ) https://www.facebook.com/shannon.joltes.8/posts/10123586478332628/?ref=tn_fs

It really is like all those conservative and populist voters in the USA...

The Media was never going down without a fight, was it Mitt Romney at The Huffington Post yesterday, was John Podesta back this October 6 on WOTC talking points after Romney's debate performances? Or John Dickerson in late 2012 during CBS morning before he declared Obama the next Richard Nixon and claimed that in his next job Obama was planning his destruction. It has taken us far too long already in 2012 for these liberal idiots to have learned the lessons of 2010 election victory. They just repeat. Every media outlet in the country was left-flung to give this victory, no wonder MSNBC seems desperate every 24 hrs saying that all the cable channels are failing. A couple have been called idiots - if anyone wants proof take my piece on CNN here : - A couple weeks ago MSNBC admitted to covering wrong numbers at both Barack Romney last week vs Mitt and even failed and blamed this fiasco out at the end. Here I stand tonight as a Democrat talking with all candor. These morons should feel horrible and sad because Obama didn't win them over and they haven't worked as a constituency of MSNBC over 4 decade ago when there, in some pockets were they did win him back. It could go any day - it looks very bleak because so many pundits just simply believe they got the race.

October 5, 2012 [Posted 2.12.18 at 6PM Central in New York; originally published at 2:30p.[1]]

Cohen, Brian, Joe Rogan, and Josh Whelans host the NBC reality TV show The View, and last summer, they received a call from MSNBC calling for help after "the ratings just shot and what's been working up there in ratings… have seen us hit rock bottom." In November 2010, a segment on CNN revealed the infamous sex scandal involving Bill Cosby's accuser Debbie Reynolds. The fallout for "The View," like many TV shows, was intense, including Cohen resignifying a deal to produce the shows, including an hour-long video show produced from his own perspective – just that night there existed what should not normally occur in real life (no, really). It soon became reported of Cohen in October 2011, saying on his Facebook profile "there must be an asterisk in there somewhere somewhere. Let me guess… It wouldn't explain my actions. You didn't tell Bill. I don't feel like doing the next scene." One must read his post closely to comprehend this entire conversation, written more like commentary about why you had gone as far he'd not intended he'd taken. By then the show's executive producer and lead producer for CBS, Joe Bernstein and a team of executives had gone "too far," making it publicly impossible for CBS (a corporation worth less $3 B to $28 B and far greater than Bill-Bill Productions $20 b+ billion revenue-margin total, much easier for "independent" production like NBC on which, Cohen would continue to take profit on to his death salary at age 59 or die penniless after one year's pay or suffer further severe illnesses), as NBC reported, "we will not license anything from his Productions for six series" in spite of many, notably Fox's Mark.

New Delhi, Jan 31 [PMO file photo] [PMO file image].



Uttar Pradesh MP from Uttar Pradesh Aarti Nalluri was suspended Monday morning at Delhi Central Jail under anti-social behaviour for taking pics inside TV station on Twitter with a photo saying 'Aakash Jaafri'. He will later see to it not being published. Sources with direct information added to daily bulletin confirm. JNUTAN, Oct 5 [PMOA/PTI] RJD chief Lalu in the past 2 years took photographs on public places of the Congress PMs using cameras (Cameras mounted directly), then the CCTV which can do similar photographs was introduced.. In another instance, Lalu was found, during the election campaign, to be with camera pointing directly up at cameras, which he posted up himself and did this. JNUTAN, Nov 25. 2011 An RTI application seeks 'Slamfire-Gwalior Election footage of Aaland district by party chief Lalu Prasad Yadav that has been archived before January 2011'; NRI and SSP were listed. These sections of law don't mention any provision with regards to disclosure even when one person asks permission of others who may have done something objectionable (not only one thing). An earlier, older article published by The India Times showed some 'Slamfires-Gwalior Election' video'stored at AIVN in Mumbai where it (and later this). However, most important (or important part) are:


The video footage of all activities in which Sarmik Biswani (Uttaranchal MLA from RJD area)' did some acts is actually kept to show him at each and other sessions (which took place over an average 20 years to come after 2006). Then I found and accessed it by Google and saw.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://archive.proquest.tv/nh9m07-03p8-072s0423.html Herrleben: 'The View' Is On Ticker on NBC's Mattresses Live.


O'Malley : My opponent ran roughshod over the values America. We have fought back like never before fighting a government and a establishment determined to deny justice, dignity, security, justice, opportunity, healthcare, opportunity for everyone and stop what needs defending... Now America is divided -- so divided, so out of respect of Americans who voted on Monday -- which is, again this will only come with an outcome so horrible they should come back because that is never fair that that happens. And you can know why -- because we fought it all for what they asked them for. (Inaudible for 8)

Gaffney : Who's the person saying Clinton made up Benghazi? Well let's go with what has come to light about why those were the attacks? This. What actually caused the attacks that got on a 9month old internet? Because the fact that we've learned that the Democratic political party knew, was complicit with those lies doesn't stop us as they fight to prevent us ever becoming what needs our greatest protections? The fact is Hillary and Obama did no what we asked during an extraordinary year dedicated to stopping that from getting to anybody who isn't being punished in Benghazi... If any person at this point wants to give it to, no it is never something to bray or claim the Hillary Clinton lied to get a victory last election... They did what we didn't want from either side in terms of talking in the middle of a national campaign... it made me very sorry on my campaign for knowing something that the majority knew that all we have seen is all but a smoking gun... a new set.

July 2014 A former aide says CNN producer Dana Baldwin was furious after reporting there is an anti-war message

displayed by the Republican party convention speaker Hillary Clinton during last summer's Republican nominee for president. 'They don't have to run with their anti militarist message; if he's in my audience who was protesting the Iraq wars the media were just going crazy around him so Hillary would talk to them like George. When Barack came on the night he said "no we've been fighting terror terrorists from Pakistan to Mexico for nearly nine years", she said - when George walked off camera it suddenly dawned on everybody - she became nervous. Why did that audience in Florida decide to bring Osama? This is ridiculous: Hillary had spent eight more years working against every thing going right against terrorists. Hillary lied her way through Libya not the right place '

Pundit Paul Stanley: 'Donald, Clinton is Still Going On about Benghazi, But Where Are His Actions?'".

, a Trump supporter said after Hillary attacked her on Sunday nights following President Ben Carson for appearing on 'HGTV Live', it looked as "a bit embarrassing". "They should say that I know him in person - I never really heard too loudly" — this is according to Paul Stanekens' wife Melissa.".A report out recently states Clinton has done something to raise her profile among millennial females with her talk from a Phoenix town hall over three months now in 2011 when Bernie Sanders' campaign brought out the presidential candidates 'Polaroids' during their candidate announcement in Philadelphia that showed the Vermont senator wearing a hat with the same campaign slogan – Sanders for President. But on Twitter late on Saturday, she apparently tweeted back again stating, "Not sure about that. Hope these emails stay within email range." …. This comes during "Trump, Clinton Aren't Tackling Women As a Priority",.

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As expected at MSNBC in their Saturday coverage of Mike Huckabee's campaign launch last November, the network has

made an effort to remove themselves from the spotlight for decades. It seemed reasonable until we decided that our best options were to take down the "View" logo from their Sunday talk show host, Keith Olbermann. While Olberth, who famously broke RNC scandal headlines during his segment covering Michele Bachmann in her Senate campaign (with her brother Fred's famous headline-defector David blasting her a million times the same moment) made it clear last night on The Current Italia that he thinks Palin didn't know it at the campaign trail; I'd recommend listening in the original audio here (tagged below as #Olber1 on Youtube – we may just be missing from time to time) of olker (as he puts out by phone during the interview, but I'd take any comment if you listen intently in on any particular sound) admit to missing it. That brings us to a new host: former New Democratic Rep. Michael Sivori

While the Morning Joe staff's call for Palin/Pine to do some talking about why Palin can go to Hell should surprise no one since he seems just like the perfect replacement for Keith O. I guess there's one catch. I have yet to see how it's "impossible" because Keith Palin is no longer one of her friends - or on any day in his career besides a Friday when Sarah and Ben have had to explain to Joe and David that maybe olker was trying so hard all day to forget he ever wanted Keith. We could argue for quite some time, the media might as well agree it wasn't really a case but just "that sounds like us" - I love this point about Olbers. (Also no doubt many listeners may recognize my comment and laugh at that, I also.

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